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Saturday 27 March 2010

What is a Gentleman?

I was brought up hearing how much of a gentleman an English man can be. In my country I would hear that an English man would be the most gentlemen in the world.

Maybe it was my mistake not to understand exactly what the word means. I thought gentleman means to be polite, to have good manners, to be that sort of old fashion man, to treat a woman with respect and so on. But I came to realise that maybe it means to be gentle as a man that is not quite so masculine or perhaps to have some sort of a weak personality, gentle as not strong, something along that line.

What can I say? One way or the other it came to a great disappointment to me to find many people over here that actually are very rude. I have lost the counts of how many times a man didn’t hold a door to me actually they left it almost banging on my face and worst than that it happened to my mother too when she came to visit, she was shocked!!

In my country we have men that hardly can write their names or live in nice houses but still get up and offer their seats to a lady on the bus. If you are pregnant you are given the priority at any queues. If you have been pregnant you know that is not easy to be standing at one place for too long!!

Please someone does tell me what is going on? Where are the good old values and morals? Why people don’t behave or dress accordingly to the place or situation they find themselves?

May be it is me that was brought up with high expectations! I don’t know. But one thing is a fact all the men I have ever met in my past, family members, friends, colleagues from school, university and work all have been polite to me and I’ve always been treated with respect.

The father of my son who one day used to be married to me constantly shouts at me and call me things, walks away or hang the phone on me right in front of my son!! That is why among other things he became to be my ex. Whatever the differences are between us nothing justify a man mistreating a woman in my opinion.

These are a few examples of my own experience, I have unfortunately many more. I could keep on writing but I leave it to whoever wants to add!


Monday 22 March 2010

The art of ignore!

Hello again after a few days...
In my opinion in the British culture people are very good on ignoring in order to disconnect from someone.
I have lost how many times a friend or someone I have been dating simple chose to ignore me in order to stop whatever relationship we were having.
In my culture we are used to face the situation and talk things over. So if we don't manage to come to an agreement at least we know what happened!
Sadly here this doesn't happen and because of that I believe some friendships are lost only because of a lack of effort and some sort of misunderstanding.
I have blood running in my veins, I am alive and I live life with passion for everything I do and I say. I can't be that cold or reserved!!
To be cold and reserved is very good to face, for example, a day of work when you have personal problems and your colleagues have nothing to do with the matter. But when it comes to face the problem, in my opinion, you can't be reserved; otherwise you will never be able to solve things.
Speak up!! Let your emotions out!! It is actually good for you!!

Monday 8 March 2010

08/03/10 2nd day of writing....

As a foreigner I have never been leaving in any other country but England so please do forgive me if I do any comments that may sound unfair.
Everything I slowly intend to write about is based in my own personal experiences and close friends of mine who are foreigners too!!
Maybe I've lost sense of how relationships should be, maybe I am getting old, I don't know. What I do know is that all my friends share these opinions with me.
Shall I start?
My first topic will be the definition of 'Shall we have a coffee sometime?'
It sounds like a nice approach for the initial phase of a potential friendship... How often do they really mean it? Why do they make an appointment for a phone call to then make the appointment for the 'Coffee'? Why this appointment is often so far away? Do they really want to spend time with you? Where is the spontaneous moment to follow your heart or your instincts that you just might have a good time with the potential new friend?
This is it for today.
Please do write!!

Thursday 4 March 2010

04/03/10 the first day of my blog!!

Hello to you all!!

Welcome to my blog.

I have been thinking of it for a while.... Many of my friends did encourage me to do it! So here I am. I must advise you that I am not a writer!!

I have to say most of my friends are foreigners too, not by choice though, that is how it has been happening in my life.

It is a challenge to me to make a friends with a English person!!

I have to go to a doctors appointment now, I should be writing in my next oportunity!!